
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Words for Wednesday...images in mud

Ok, who was it that said..."oh throw the ball for him" "he is asking so politely" Les? Tina?? Dave? Army of 4?? Tiffany?

Do I have an volunteers to clean him off?????????? Ugh, I really do not like muddy days.. here he is --ready for more.


  1. We have the same problem with Daisy she gets terrible muddy and get updet while trying to clean her.

  2. Yeah....good luck with that.

  3. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  4. Randy- I think there are just some dogs that get really dirty.
    Les- Ah, come on...
    Shauna- Thanks for coming by. Come again soon!

  5. Guilty. He is a border collie or Australian shepherd? They are busy, busy dogs. He looks happy too so you must be doing a great job with that ball.

  6. Tina, good morning. He is an Aussie and full of energy. I have never had a dog quite like him before. He loves that ball.

  7. Ah, such nice dogs. He is beautiful.

  8. How's the pooch today? It's still frozen here so if you leave him out early enough perhaps the mud won't have formed yet?! My dog gets the same way;-) When the snow's melting, or it's raining--we have beach towels at the door all day.

    Did you mention this or am I just noticing on your sidebar where you have 'plants for S.C.'...are you moving? I hadn't heard (read!) you mention that. If so, I don't remember (old age; turned 52 today!).

    My parents lived in Litchfield by the Sea on a golf course, a mile from the ocean, for quite a while, until my dad died a couple of years ago. It was very nice! (It was actually Pawley's Island address).

  9. Tina, thanks, I think he is a nice looking dog..really like the markings.
    Jan- going out in the morning is fine, we just have to go and play ball about 4 or 5 times a day.
    Yes, we are going to move to SC in July 2010. Will be doing a post on it soon. Happy Birthday to you!!!

  10. Ha roo roo roo! Way to go, Skyler!
    Play bows,
    Cousin Zim

  11. Look at your baby!!! I will throw the ball to him. I am an Aussie owner - four years now to my sweet Olivia. I need to post a photo of her just for you and Army of four.
    Stop by my garden sometime because I would love to know what that flower is at the top of your blog?!

  12. Happy dogs! I once had a wonderful Aussie, blue merle, named Indigo.


  13. Cameron and Bren, aren't Aussies something else? Full of personality.

  14. A muddy mess indeed, but a happy dog nonetheless. ;)

  15. I know Racquel, and I think it will be a muddy mess until the Bermuda wakes and starts growing. ah, spring.....

  16. Muddy paws but a happy smile on the face with tongue a hanging!

  17. Skeeter, sometimes I think he is happiest when he is the muddiest...right before he gets cleaned off.

  18. But look at that face! How can you refuse him anything?

  19. Amazing doggie face! And be grateful he is not a terrier who would rather dig than chase ;-)

  20. Curmudgeon- he does have that look... kind of like an ostrich staring in the door.
    Linda Lunda- he is a sweetie
    Daffodil Planter- well, he chases full tilt and then puts on the brakes and skids. He makes it look like we run cattle in the backyard.


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