
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- Images in Ice


  1. I hope you played ball with that dog. It was asking so politely.

  2. His life is asking to play ball. He can be falling over in exhaustion and if you pick up the ball again...he is ready!

  3. LOL about the ball playing. Sounds quite familiar although ours will act that way until you throw the ball then look at you like, "Why did you do that? You threw it, you go get it." :)

    So glad things are thawing here. There's still a risk of freezing but we've already had the most snow in years here. I'm ready spring!

  4. Sure looks cold! Our snow should be completely gone today. It's been cold enough lately for even the sunny areas to retain a little snow.

  5. Les is right. The dog is asking ever so politely. He'd be able to see the ball easily in all that snow. Hard to believe for your part of Virginia!

  6. Argh! I can't log on to Blotanical.... getting an error message. Is this happening to anyone else? Alice

  7. Greetings everyone, just back from ballet. Skyler loves to play ball. Sometimes he isn't very polite about asking. He will stand at the door and bounce/ toss the ball against the door. If you are outside he will drop the ball and then throw himself in circles, barking the whole time...I guess getting wound up to run.
    The snow is melting and the ground it thawing a bit, but that just means mud now!! One thing about our snows, they generally don't last too long.

  8. Hey, hey, cousin Skyler! Won't Aunt Janet throw the ball for you!?!? C'mon, Aunt Janet! Throw the ball! Throw the ball! Throw the ball!

  9. Ao4- One of these days I am going to count the number of times each day I throw that ball!!! It has to be well over 100! Just came in from doing just that.

  10. My dogs enjoyed the snow too while it lasted! ;)


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