
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- vacation


  1. A dream vacation indeed! I've only been to the west once, and tried very hard to go see the Grand Canyon. Didn't quite make it, but I did see the Hoover Dam. That's pretty cool too but it's been a dream to see this sight myself. Someday.

  2. Such a great shot. I was there as a child and was in awe by it. My mother just got dizzy looking across it :)

  3. What a fantastic photo! My daughter spent some time hiking in Arizona and Utah with a friend this past November and though they didn't get to the Canyon, she was very impressed with the terrain and brought home many wonderful photos. :) It is, indeed, a wonder.

  4. Thanks Tina, Lona and Nancy for visiting. Hubby and I went to las Vegas for our 25th a few years ago. We took in a couple of shows, went to the Impressionists exhibit at Bellagio and the Googenheim museums. Did the Grand Canyon in grand style-- small plane to GC, helicopter down to the river, boat down the river, bus tour of the rim-- breath taking! Drove to the Hoover Dam and on the was stopped at Ethel M's chocolate factory and toured the cactus garden. Trip of a lifetime. These very tall flower stalks on the Yuccas were very sculptural.

  5. Oh I forgot, we didn't spend enough at the gambling tables to be comp-ed even a t-shirt, but the lady felt sorry for us and gave us one.

  6. Ha! Funny on the t-shirt. A dream vacation indeed!

  7. Wow...that's an overlook I want to see in person sometime! Wonderful photo...gail

  8. Oh, my goodness! What a shot! That is stupendous, and the view ain't bad either. :-)

  9. A picture so wonderful that I feel like I am standing right there! You have 25 more years to come up with an anniversary gift to top this one. Hum, what could possibly top this one? Happy Belated 25th Anniversary!

  10. Thanks ladies, the view was incredible. I know if the lighting had been different I could have gotten another look with my canyon shots. It is really something everyone should go and see.
    The next anniversary trip??? Ideas?

  11. Hi Janet! Lovely and I had the same anniversary treat!!! Last year, Dec. 28, 2007--Mike surprised me with a trip to Las Vegas, and we took in 2 shows, tried out the casinos, took a Pink Jeep tour to the Grand Canyon, helicoptered down to the Colorado River, boated on the River, Just the same as you! We also went to the Hoover Dam...AMAZING. It was VERY dry though and the water was SO LOW. It was our 30th anniversary!! I had a post about it on my old blog that is now lost in cyberspace...but I still have all the photos and can still post more, if I get 'a-round-tuit'!!

  12. Jan,
    What a fun coincidence!! I enjoyed the contrast from the neon lights and hustle bustle of the strip to being at the Canyon. Did you see the cactus garden near the water plant by Ethel M's chocolate factory? I had never heard of it, but a neighbor told me before we left. A great time all the way around!!

  13. What a nice view! Thanks for sharing a photo from your vacation. I lived in Arizona for four years when I was a kid. It was like no where I've ever lived since. :)

  14. I've been there and can vouch that it looks just like that----for miles and miles once you get there. That Arizona side is flat just before the canyon isn't it? MrD proposed to me at The Grand Canyon which made it even more grand. Awesome photo.

  15. Racquel and Anna, glad you stopped by. Racquel, have you lived lots of places?
    Anna, proposed at the Grand Canyon?? Romantic!

  16. Wow...I can feel how awesome it must have been when you took this photo. Amazing! I have always wanted to do a helicopter ride through the Grand Canyon...lucky you!

  17. Outstanding shot! We got married in AZ and visited the G.Canyon, so it's always special to see it. Thank you so much!

  18. Your GC vacation sounds awesome! What style! :-)


  19. MMG- The helicopter ride was lots of fun. First time for me!
    Tatyanna- Glad you enjoyed it.
    Cameron- It WAS amazing!! Thanks

  20. Great photo Janet!

    The Grand Canyon is a famous travel destination in the country. It's one of nature's wonders that are definitely worth exploring.

    Traveling, in our case, can be a bit difficult since we always bring our kids with us. Accommodations have been a top priority for us. For convenience, we have tried hotels and short term furnished apartments. NYC had been our destination last year. Our kids had fun exploring the museums and the statue of liberty.

    This year, we plan to take them to the Grand Canyon for a change, so that they can experience nature thrills.

    Thanks for sharing!


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