
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meet the Girls and their friends....Garden Blogger Bloom Day

Here is the bride...... Bridal Wreath Spirea that is. A relatively new addition to our garden, seems to be growing and thriving. I love the delicate white blooms.

Next comes Jane.... Magnolia x 'Jane'. Another new addition to the garden. She was planted a year or two ago. We had been looking for something to take the place of a dogwood that came out a few years earlier. My neighbor cut a cluster of about 4 or 5 mature pines that shaded my coming home to find a complete change. It was one of those decisions that was made because she had the guys there doing another tree. 'Jane' seems to be doing very well. Here is what she looks like now and then in a few more weeks when she opens all the way.

Not all of my daffodils are blooming yet, but Cum Laude and Tete-e-Tete are certainly putting on a show.

I have one daffodil from the previous owners...I had forgotten it was in and among the paperwhites.

Here you can see the Cum Laude and Tete-e-Tete from the front porch. They are in the front bed with a Japanese Maple, a few Heuchera, lots of Delosperma (ice plant), and some Forget Me Nots that reseed profusely. On inventory I saw there is still one Gaillardia still out there. Maybe the others are still there as well. On the crest of the ditch is Pennistetum 'Moudry'. And of course a JMU flag. You know the story...all my kids and all my money goes to (insert college name here).

Today is Garden Blogger Bloom Day. This is hosted by Carol over at May Dreams Gardens

Quick update-- saying goodbye to one of the girls heading back to JMU, I saw 'Jane' opening up a little more...


  1. Your Magnolia is going to steal the show in your garden when she fully opens! What a pretty flower she has Janet.

  2. I like that Cum Laude daffodil. It's beautiful!

    Tete a Tete is one of my favorite daffs -- so petit yet perfectly formed.

    Happy Bloom Day!

  3. I could not imagine coming home and finding FIVE pines gone! I hope she at least told you up front. What a shock! Your Jane is lovely and will fill in pretty quickly. They are beginning to bloom here too. The Cum Laude daffodil sure is great!

  4. Such a wonderful visit to your garden! I too liked the Cum Laude daffodil

  5. You have wonderful flowers blooming and your pictures are just amazing. Wonder why my pics are so small (they're bigger if ya click them) on my blog.
    I love the purplish bud you showed - dang what was it. My rememberER just doesn't work like it use to. Anyway it was a great picture.

  6. Racquel- Thanks, I do like Jane-- she is a show stopper.

    sweet bay- To make this daffodil more special- it was part of a fund raiser to get a farewell gift from my Master Gardener group for Dr. David Bankes, when he retired from CNU.

    tina- No there was no warning. It was quite a shock. oh adjusts.

    Randy- thanks for visiting.

    Helen- thanks. come visit again.

    raingardener- I will have to find the post from ? about how to make the photos bigger in your blog. I thought it came from one source but it may have been via a phone call -- will check some more and let you know.

  7. Magnolia 'Jane' is breathtaking! If you have to replace a dogwood she is a worthy alternative.

  8. I love your blooms. Is Jane fragrant? Love 'Cum Laude' daffodil. And Tete a tete are blooming here too. I'm surprised to see how well they've caught on with gardeners and non gardeners.

    And thank you Janet for your feedback on my "hints" blog post. I use tomato cages too. I saw a garden show where they turned them upside down and took strong pliers and twisted the straight ends (that go into the dirt) into twirly curly wires. My description isn't doing them justice. Maybe I'll post a photo. Again thank you. I always enjoy your blog posts.

  9. Daffodil Planter- Yes Jane is a great replacement, especially since it is full sun now.
    Grace- Thanks I enjoy your posts as well. There are a few other mini daffodils that have come out. One is Rip Van Winkle. Thought about getting him when I was at the flower show, but got some other things instead. Don't think Jane is fragrant. Will check her out a few different times of the day and get back to you.

  10. You have a wonderful eye for photographing your beautiful blooms! Lovely! Gail

  11. My oldest son works a hop skip and jump from JMU. He's an engineer on temp duty in Harrisonburg but his office is close to JMU. We've been to see him and the beautiful campus of JMU.....very pretty. All my money went to NC State and is still going to UNCG.

    Love all your bloomers. I am going to plant daffodils this fall. I just have to.

  12. I spent part of my childhood growing up in Harrisonburg ~ took swimming lessons on the campus of JMU! Virginia is such a beautiful state. I am excited to see your 'Jane' magnolia ~ I bought one last year because it is supposed to be one of the hardier magnolias. I miss them from "home" ~ it's still alive but no blooms yet like you have. No daffodils here either (yet). Your blooms are beautiful.

  13. Oh, Jane is magnificent--truly! I like the cum laude daff too...gorgeous, really. Your pansies look so bright, too! And Jane looks beautiful as she opens up. I hope your daughters had a nice time on their trip during spring break...what's in OK? Family? I was thinking: They can't be going to the beach in OK!!

  14. Oh, and I can just see where most of us would cut down 3 or 4 mature pines while guys were here to take down a tree. "Oh, and by the way, would you mind cutting down those 4mature pines while you're at it?". She most likely wanted a view of your lovely garden!!

  15. I am a big fan of spirea and magnolias!

    Wonderful plants and photos!

  16. Gail- thanks for the compliment. I like taking macro shots.
    Anna- Harrisonburg is a really nice area of the state. Can't beat the ice cream shop in town...Klines-- yum. If your son hasn't been for ice cream he needs to five it a try. There is such a variety of daffodils available. Most of mine are from Brent and Becky's.
    Kathleen- Swimming lessons at JMU? Small world! Your zone is a bit later than ours...your 'Jane' will get showier each year.
    Jan- I am really happy with the variety of daffodils and Jane is a nice bloom. Oklahoma-- fraternity, adventure, family, visited one grandfather's burial site en route, and two sets of aunts and uncles. Saw one cousin home on leave from Afghanistan and another cousin getting ready to graduate high school. One big week is Massachusettes.
    I have adjusted to the missing pines. It was a shock though.
    Cameron- Thanks. I am getting to like a lot of different Magnolias...have three spireas.

  17. I love all the magnolias. If I ever get a bigger yard, I'll own several. They bloom so briefly and take up so much room for a small garden. Until then I will enjoy them in other people's gardens (and on thier blogs). I like the really large saucer types the best. I think you ID'd one of my unknown daffs, thanks.

  18. Les, you know 'Jane' is only to be 15' x 15- 20'. Nice size to have one. Maybe two... ;-)

  19. Nothing says spring like those daffys! The magnolia is a beauty!

  20. Skeeter- sure feels like spring is almost here.

  21. The cum laude daffodil is so pretty and frilly!

    I have been trying to get a decent picture of bridal wreath spirea to post on my blog to be identified. It's hard to photograph! I'm so glad you posted it here!

  22. Ginger- Thanks for visiting. Yes the cum laude is a nice one.
    The bridal wreath spirea is really hard to photograph. Just when you get it framed in, the wind blows and it is fuzzy. Cropping is the key. ;-)

  23. Lovely show. I love your Daffodils, especially cum laude. There's something so happy and cheerful about daffodils that makes them my favorite spring flower. The daffodils are almost, but not quite ready to bloom here in Ohio.

    p.s. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  24. Three of my favs: daffodils, violas and deciduous magnolias. Enjoyed your Bloom Day photos.

  25. NellJean- I am glad I had some of your favs! Come back again!


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