
Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Story of a Queen

First and foremost my thanks to Cameron for the sharing of "HTML secrets". This opens up a whole new world in the layout!

Now, on with the story....once upon a time in a far away land lived an American family. Ha! Good way to start.....hard to write in third person though.

We moved to a small village, Spardorf, just outside of Erlangen, Germany in the late 80's. We were the only Americans who lived in that village and the neighbors were just wonderful. While chatting with my neighbor I was asking about the history of the area...we lived in the State of Bavaria, but sometimes some of the localities had their own Nobels or ruling family of some sort. I asked if they had a queen, just being a bit silly. When she said they didn't -- well, I did what any good person would do.................... I offered to be Queen of Spardorf. Like I said, they were great folks, so they played along for the course of the years that we lived in my little village.

I had my own 'flag' thanks to KZK. It was part of a beautiful grapevine wreath. Sad to say - the time in my little village came to an end. We ended up in Seaford, Virginia. The house we bought had an old brass door knocker that had the previous owner's name... it had to change. As you can see from my top photos... my lovely husband bought a new one with my "Queen Janet" engraved across the face. WONDERFUL!

As the years have gone on, I have been well recognized as the Queen of Seaford. I have had many hang up the phone after laughing through the answering machine, having to call back to leave a message. Life should be full of whimsy. Over the years I have had many Queen gifts.

One of the best Queen items I got this summer from my daughter. What a sweetie! So pay heed when you come to my house......................

Looks like I still need to practice on picture size....oh well, enjoy!


  1. Wunderbar! Now we know where the name of your blog came from. I was wondering. I lived in Bavaria for four years and miss it so much! Not near Erlangen though. That is a city I never visited, not even to volksmarch. Love all your whimsies Miss Queen!)

  2. Thanks Tina! Spardorf is a nice place. I love Bavaria. Whimsical items make me smile...
    ps- sorry for the misspelling- should be Nobles oops, too wrapped up in the html world.

  3. Now we know the story, too funny! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Ausgezeichnet! What a nice story and whimsy is excellent.

    I loved so many parts of the the year I spent in Germany (a summer in Freiburg and the academic year in Osnabruck), and my long-ago relatives came from Kulmbach.

    I'm like Tina, too, and wondered about the title of your blog -- now we know!

  5. We all need some of those Html secrets and be treated royally! This reminds me that I once at a party at the university told the Crown Prince
    of Denmark that if we got married - I would become "Queen Niels the First and last of Denmark". His lifeguard gave me a look that could kill - but the Crown Prince laughed at my joke. The next morning I promised myself not to drink that much ever again!

  6. Robin, glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting.
    Lisa, Vielen Danke! I know Freiburg but not Osnabruck. How nice to study abroad.
    Niels, what a hoot! Glad the Prince has a sense of humor!

  7. Your Highness,
    The rest of us certainly appreciate that you take the time to visit with us little people on a regular basis. Long may you reign.

  8. Ha haha ha Les, thanks so much! You are a loyal subject!

  9. This is so cool, Janet. I had no idea all this time I've been speaking with royalty:)

    I'm going to let my family know about this...(because I don't think we have a Queen where we live...) You've given me an idea!

    We lived in Heidelberg on Kirschgarten seems so long ago now!! The German community lived right on our street...but you got the FULL experience, living out of the military community entirely. Very cool indeed:)

  10. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story of how you became known as the Queen of Seaford. Great tale! :) The pictures look great today, kudos to Cameron for the great tips.

  11. LOL! I had forgotten about making you a "Queen of Spardorf" flag. LOL!
    So what are all the HTML secrets? Hmmm?
    KZK, sister to the Queen

  12. Jan, I believe everyone should be Queen (or King) of their world. I say if there is no one claiming the job...grab it! Don't you miss Germany?
    Racquel, Glad you enjoyed the tale. Absolute kudos to Cameron! Will try it again.
    KZK- I have all sorts of things that are your handiwork.... and I love them.

  13. Awwww...I think that is grand that you spoke up and took the crown. Shows you have blue blood.

  14. Yes Anna, it was the Queenly thing to do... ;-)

  15. Hi Queen Janet, I love this story and had been wondering about your blog name too. Thanks for sharing this, it sounds like you are a fun person to know, and kneel to. :-)

  16. Frances, Thanks for the kind comment. I just like to think I am quirky!?!?! haha
    To all- my Christmas present is supposed to be finaly delivered watch for more whimsy.

  17. I love this story. Wish I was a queen of Delta, maybe in my next life,lol.

  18. Oh Janet, your story is charming and wonderful! I love it! That door knocker is the BEST. Your husband knew if he let you be queen, then he'd get to be king, didn't he? LOL. I'm The Queen of Procrastination. Maybe I need a door knocker like that. ;-)

  19. I must bow to your Queenness. Great story.

  20. What a great story, and a great blog name too. My story is not worthy! :-)


  21. What a laugh and how wonderful everyone plays along

    Your humble servant

  22. @That Bloomin' Garden--never too late to change!! Queen of the Delta would be a great name.

    @Kylee, thanks! Wish our new house had a place for the door is all glass. He claims to be king...and I let him ;-)

    @Lisa at Greenbow-thanks so much!

    @Amy-Get Busy Gardening...yours is your name.

    @patientgardener- Everyone has played along for years, it is kind of fun.

  23. Brilliant story and great images too. Thanks for sharing this. It's fun to read this as an introduction to you and your blog... Hello :-)


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