
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

National Treasure

While looking through some family photos to scan I came across our Monticello pictures. If you have never been there, it is well worth the trip. What a wonderful place, both inside and out. I kick myself that so many years have gone by since my last visit. Have promised myself to go this spring and summer. ... so close and yet.....


  1. Same here, Janet. About 2 hours away, isn't it?...probably about the same for you! So close and yet...hmm, maybe...
    There are quite a few other VA garden bloggers here and maybe something down your way or up my way would be fun, too. Like the National Arboretum in DC, or the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, etc.
    There is LOTS to do here in Virginia!!!! The Lewis Ginter in Richmond (which you've already mentioned).

    Virginia is for 'GARDEN' Lovers!
    Our new motto:)

  2. I know the feeling. I live fairly close to the Hermitage and other historical sites with gardens, and have never been. We always get so busy. It is great you went there though. I love the color combination of the flowers.

  3. I think it is time to seize the day (or season) and take advantage of what is so close by. Of course will have to wait until the spring... which is just around the corner!

  4. I left a comment saying I was so pleased you posted about this true National Treasure. I don't think the comment went through.

    I'm going this summer and can't wait. I'll go look at your photos right now. Thank you.

  5. flowergardengirl- I don't know what happened, sorry it didn't go through the first time. Thanks for visiting. You will love Monticello.

  6. The vegetable garden alone is worth the trip.

  7. One of my favorite places to visit! I bought seeds there last time -- now, where did I put those! ?

    I could go back again and again...


  8. You are right Cameron, it is a great place to visit. So are you getting the snow into your area? They keep promising some for us....time will tell.

  9. Oh, I can't wait to go visit Monticello and Mount Vernon! But it's a cross-country trip for me, so it will be a while. I like to think that I'd enjoy a pleasant conversation with Jefferson and Washington if we met up in a garden, as they both loved working the land and growing things. Surely they'd be envious of the vast range of plant choices we enjoy today. That's a lovely picture you've posted. Very appropriate for the birthday month of these two great men. We owe them so much.
    Regards, VW

  10. VW- You would be surprised at the plant collections of Jefferson. One day you should make the trip, it is really worth it. So much history and wonderful landscapes.

  11. Goodness, Monticello is SUCH an inspiration, both for vegetables and flowers (along with everything else). We made a special point of going there on my way to a conference two summers ago. Fabulous!

    I've definitely put their Heritage Harvest Festival (in cooperation with the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (September 12, 2009) on my calendar this year after learning about it last year.

    And I'm a good 8-10 hours away. So you folks nearby have plenty of encouragement.

    I'd add the National Botanic Garden (and the American Garden) to nearby places for you VA folks, along with the way cool garden at the National Museum of the American Indian, and the nice wildlife garden strip next to the National History Museum. Oh, well, I'm a hopeless enthusiast!

  12. LKW- Thanks for the heads up for the September event. I will mark my calendar. I heartily agree with you about all the gardens. Jan had some others mentioned, closer to Tidewater-- all great places. Sad to say, except for the National Botanic Garden, it has been many years since I have visited.

  13. Hi Janet, it is a treasure, we spent an entire day there a few years ago and it was the best time ever spent in an historic residence. The gardens were amazing, the veggie plot on the hillside especially made an impression. Seeds were purchased that became treasures in the garden too.

  14. It is certainly well worth the trip for so many reasons. I have purchased plants there as well. What a treasure!

  15. We went there during the off season when nothing was in bloom. We should get back with our planned April trip to VA...

  16. We were planning on going this past fall but something came up. I've never been so we are trying to get up there this spring! Fantastic preview of what to expect Janet.

  17. I haven't been since on a family trip as a girl. I would so appreciated it now. My 5th great grandfather was a friend of Jefferson. Lovely, lovely photo!

  18. Afternoon all, Racquel, it is so worth the trip, make sure you go -- you will love it.
    Willow- thanks for visiting. You will have to come and visit Monticello again. How wonderful to know your family history that far back, amazing!
    Rachel- sounds like a plan, Stan. :-)

  19. I would love to see that someday. Looks so lovely.

    I've been to Longwood Gardens in PA. That's wonderful too.


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