
Saturday, January 17, 2009

I've Been Tagged!

First thing this morning I found out I was tagged by Racquel at Perennial Garden Lover. I had to go to the main computer to get to some photos to follow the 'rules'. So here goes-

The rules are: open a document or file folder,
click on the fifth folder
and then the fifth photo.
Post the photo and describe it.
Then tag 5 other bloggers.

So here’s my photo….

This is one of the daffodils from a mix I bought last March at the outlet store at Wayside Gardens/ Park Seed Company. I was pleasantly surprised that I had so many come up. It was late March when we got home and I planted them-- my friendly extension agent said to get them in the ground. This little grouping is one of the miniatures and lucky for me they were planted in the foreground of garden. I am crossing my fingers for a reappearance this spring....many of them were planted were there is sometimes high tidal waters that is a little brackish.

So that you can see the tiny size I am including another photo of these gems.

Here are the folks I am tagging--Have fun!!
lil sis at Army of Four
Cosmo at Cosmos Garden
Tina at In the Garden
Anne at Plant Slut's Garden
Larkspur at Garden Mother


  1. What fun to see your tiny daffodils! Hope they come back, they should since they are pretty hardy. ou just can't beat the bang for the bucks you get with bulbs. Thanks for playing along today! :)

  2. Thanks for the invite. Will keep all posted on the re-emergence of the bulbs.

  3. How fun! We'll give it a whirl.
    Daffodils? Hmm... ours were eaten. Bambi? Bunnies? Moles? You decide!

  4. What a lucky gift from an outlet store. They're not only pretty, they look like they're many-headed. May you enjoy them for seasons to come.


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