
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Front Porch Pots

From The Queen of Seaford

So this is my attempt at making big photo contributions to the blog. I chose this one because when I went to send the daffodil photos to this computer, once I opened the attach file, the ones I chose were no longer the fifth file-- so this was the fifth photo in the fifth file. Extra fun.

If this works, I will have to play some more with it. Not very adept on html...what goes or what stays in the alphabet soup.


  1. Beautiful combination of plants in that pot Janet! :)

  2. Thanks Racquel, not as pleased about the centering of the photo. May have something to do with the template but I haven't found another one I like.
    I did like this year's front porch pots....lots of color without any bloom necessary.

  3. Good job on the pot and the large photo. It is beautiful.

  4. Thanks Tina, I think there are still a few kinks to work out.

  5. Hi Janet-

    I'm a Newport News neighbor, and have enjoyed stumbling onto your blog. Wish I had the time and energy to blog as often as you do!
    I haven't had a chance to read through all of your posts and comments, but I was wondering if you're aware of my friend (I hope she wouldn't mind my calling her that!) Pamela Harper, a talented gardener and writer of some renown who also lives in Seaford. I did a blog post on my first visit to her garden (it's dated last March or early April), and I highly recommend all of her books, especially "Time Tested Plants", now out of print but still available through many sources. I look forward reading to more of your posts!

  6. Jeff,
    Thanks so much for visiting. Come back often. I feel like I blog in spurts. I know Pam, she is wonderful. I have been to her garden I think it is three times now. Time Tested Plants is a wonderful book.

  7. Cameron, thanks for the comment about the pot on the porch. I like trying different combinations and wild colors.


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