
Friday, December 12, 2008

Skyler and the Muddy Day

This is of the three four-legged buddies I have the pleasure of as my 'fan club'. His mission in life is to play with his ball....every day...rain or shine.

Here is the rain gauge for the last 24 hours

This is what he looked like multiple times today. The ball play is done -- regardless of the yard conditions. I use about 5 or 6 towels a day to dry him.


  1. Hi, Janet--Skyler looks a lot like my old dog Pete--and good for him for going out in the rain (tho I know it means work for you). I can't believe all the rain--today was quite a relief!

  2. Hi Cosmo-- While we needed the rain, I would have prefered it during the summer when the grass was growing. Skyler doesn't go out in the rain, he just goes in the mud. If it is raining and/or thundering, he is in the bathtub, hiding.

  3. Hey! Great job starting the blog! I'll link to you if that's OK!
    The Ao4 send "ha roos" to their fur-cousins. :)

  4. Mom! This is really cool :) I love my Skyler puppy!!!! He loves his ball and his queen ;)


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