
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Native Plants

So, today on Victory Garden they mentioned Lady Bird Johnson's Wildflower web site. After checking it out and bookmarking it, I thought I should share. You can find natives for your area. The search engine even gives you capability to search for color of bloom and month of the year it blooms. Native Plant Information

This is my Callicarpa americana, Beautyberry, earlier this year. The leaves are all gone and the Mockingbirds are wild about the berries.


  1. Do you still have berries on your Callicarpa? Ours are all gone. Thanks for the link to Lady Bird's site--it's really informative.

  2. Good morning Cosmo,
    Yes, the Callicarpa americana still has many of its berries. I also have a Callicarga japonica which has long since lost its berries.
    Glad you like the LBJ website. I am trying to get more natives into my garden and this site seems to be the 'go to list'.


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