
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where in the Heck Have You Been????

I know I have been MIA for a little while. I have good excuses! Really!

Saturday the 12th we celebrated my mom's birthday. It was a milestone birthday and so we were in surprise mode. My sister flew in from Kansas and my brother and his wife flew in from Illinois. Our daughters drove in and as did two nephews and a fiancée. Boy was my mom surprised!!
There was silliness-
and Skyler wanted to get into the action-

And of course some wonderful sister did a signature quilt for her--- a true treasure! here is a link to her blog's posting of the quilt.

So the week before everyone came I was cleaning and putting up Christmas decorations. Busy busy.

After we put my sister back on the plane on Monday we headed down to South Carolina. It was time to pick cabinets, countertops, flooring, faucets and other plumbing items. On our way down the highway we got an offer to stay at a lakehouse...instead of a hotel! Sweet deal. It was really foggy when we got to Greenwood, but we did find the house. The next morning the fog was still hanging around.

Not a bad view even with the fog! The only drawback was we were without internet... what a strange feeling! (Tuesday's Trees will be back this week.)

We drove out to the house. Lots of progress has been made since we were there. The rain has slowed them down a little, but it was great to see it shaping up! You can see the water is high on the dock and there is a tree that floated downstream. The tree was gone the next day.

Great view from the lake.

The siding was getting put on and the windows are starting to be installed.

This big picture window is our dining room window, facing west. With all these trees I don't think the sun will be an issue.

The roof is coming along as well.

Sunrise was pretty impressive when it wasn't foggy. It was worth getting up at 5:30- 6:00 AM.

Will be back around to everyone's blogs and try to catch up a little. Time to get into the Christmas mode now!


  1. Hi Janet~~ Your family get together and trip sound fun. What a beautiful house you're going to have. The lake is beautiful and I bet the trees are fabulous in the summer.

  2. Janet,
    The house is looking great. You'll in there before you know it. Family time, glad you had such a great time!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Sounds like you all had a great time.
    Your house is looking beautiful, bet you're anxious to get moved in.

  4. Glad to hear you are back on line, but at least your absence was for all the right reasons. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of the house. It looks like it is going to be a great place.

  5. Hi Janet! Your absence was noticed! Happy Birthday to your Mom! The quilt is so pretty! And the house at the lake already looks like a house! Have a happy holiday Season!

  6. Wow, your house is looking great. What a gorgeous view you have!

  7. Lovely family party! The lake setting and the house are marvelous. Lucky you!

  8. Hi Janet, we missed you! Your mom looks very happy, I would be too with that quilt as a gift, way to go sister of the Queen, and the Queen too for being the hostess. I figured you were in SC. Thanks for showing us the progress report on the house, it is really getting there. Those views are going to be wonderful, we will expect plenty of shots of the lake and trees in the future. Have a great holiday and have fun with the picking out of stuff, we might want to hear what you chose!!!! :-)

  9. Sounds like a nice family get together. Cheers ~bangchik

  10. Janet - what a wonderful family get together! Your mom looks beautiful! Your sister's signature quilt is amazing. Such talent!

    LOVE your house! That's an amazing view. I see why you selected the lot. With the leaves off the trees the beauty of the view is even more stunning. I look forward to seeing your interior decorating in the future.

    (Still cough, cough, cough. So, I've had no energy for anything and am MIA. Life happens outside the blog. I've been posting pitiful stories just because.)

  11. Hey Janet! Sounds like fun times and a lot going on. Wish Mama Z a Happy Birthday for us please! Your house is looking great, and what a wonderful spot, really beautiful. I don't like the flower at the top of your blog though, you've talked about it before, but I'm sorry, it looks like a sea aneneome or something out of the little shop of horrors. It freaks me out!

    Susie Q

  12. Love the house shots!!! It's really looking great - when do we get to see the cabinets, counter tops, etc?!!?
    LOVE the fog and the sunrise!!! Both gorgeous in their own way.
    I love the shot of Niece #2. :)
    Thanks to all for the quilt compliments!

  13. Hi Janet. Okay you are excused ;-)
    Your house is coming right along and it is going to be so beautiful by the water. I bet you can hardly wait.

    The last picture is so pretty, just gorgeous!

  14. Greetings everyone! Would you believe that I replied to your comments earlier today? I did, then as soon as I hit the post comment button I lost internet connection. Every so often I have a day where the internet plays hide and seek for me—not really what I needed today.

    Hi Grace, thanks so much- yes the get together was great and the trip was fruitful. I look forward to seeing the trees in every season.

    Hi Randy, time is certainly zooming by. The house is going up pretty quickly. Can’t wait for the sheetrock to be up---that will be the next trip.

    Hi Catherine, I will pass on your birthday greetings to my mom. We did have a great time. The closer the time to moving comes, the more anxious I am to get into the new house.

    Hi Les, yes, I am back! There will be lots more pictures as we go back and forth.

    Hi Tatyana, thanks for missing me!  I will pass the birthday greetings to my mom. The quilt was really great. My sister does a website for her sewing handiwork.
    The house does look like a house now doesn’t it? What fun! Happy holidays to you too!

    Hi Phillip, thanks, it was a fun trip.

    Hi Victoria thanks! I do love the views.

    Hi DP, I do feel lucky! It is a great lake setting and I am excited about the house!

    Hi Frances, thanks for noticing my absence. My mom was sooooo surprised! It was a lot of fun. My sister does such wonderful work with her quilts. I don’t have the patience. The house is really coming along wonderfully. You will be tired of all the pictures by the time we are ready to move! More details about what we chose will be coming!

    Hi Bangchik, welcome back. Missed seeing you . Hope your trip was good. Our family get together was lots of fun.

    Hi Cameron, Yes my sister is very talented. I marvel at her work! So glad you like the house. The lot is really great, looking forward to seeing it without all the pickup trucks and port-a-potty. Interior color choices come next. I do like color. I need to get back to reading postings, even your ‘pitiful’ (NOT!) stories.

    Hi Susie Q, told my mom you said hi and happy birthday and she sends her greetings. Our house has a room for you and your lovely husband (who sends me rotten emails!) YOU BETTER COME VISIT!
    I will change my picture just for you. Funny girl.

    Hey K! you are getting lots of praise for your quilt! Counter tops and cabinet choices are coming. I was really taken with the fog and sunrise pictures.

    Hi Lona, thanks for excusing me! The house is going up fast. You are right, I can’t wait!

  15. Wow - gorgeous pictures of the lake. Sounds like you've had your hands full. I would have had a hard time without the internet. I went just one day without when I didn't want to spend the fee at the hotel, and I kept forgetting and trying to look things up anyway.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

  16. Janet, your party for your mother sounds wonderful! Happy birthday to your mom! We surprised my 95-year-old grandma this past summer with a similar party. So heartwarming for everyone! That quilt is gorgeous!

    Your new home is just beautiful, in a stunning location. You're going to LOVE that! I've enjoyed seeing its progress.

    Merry Christmas to you!!

  17. yay! much better pictures and in the spirit of the holidays!

    Susie !

  18. Janet, This is such a fun project to see! I love the house (the roof is cool) and the view is stellar. I imagined you sitting in front of the picture window on a winter's day and watching the birds and that sunset. divine! gail So glad you had a good time celebrating with your family! Happy Birthday to your mother!

  19. I was just thinking I hadn't "seen" you in a while Janet! Great reasons to be MIA tho.
    Love the foggy morning photo and your house is coming along nicely. You're going to have beautiful surroundings once again. Happy Holidays to you and your family too.

  20. Great update, love the house, your sister's talents and your mom! H.

  21. Hi Megan, thanks, we sure love our view. Yes, I had my hands full and still know what my house looks like after not vacuuming for a week and having three dogs? ughgggghhhh
    It was interesting not having internet. I guess I survived.

    Hi Kylee, parties are super fun! I will tell my sister you like her quilt. thanks.

    Hi glad you like it!! hahaha

    Hi Gail, thanks so much, glad you like the does have good lines. I also imagine watching the birds and sunsets...sunrises are way too early (though I do see them every so often) I will tell my mom she has another well wisher.

    Hi Kathleen, thanks, I love foggy air of mystery. We will have lots of nature around us.

    Hi Helen, thanks!!!

  22. What a wonderful surprise for your mother! makes me tear a bit thinking of those moments I have had with mine. Beautiful and heartfelt photos. Merry Christmas!

  23. Hi Di, is was a great time. Merry Christmas to you as well. Thanks for stopping by.


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