
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Howdy Partner...Merry Christmas to Ya

My buddy Les asked the following question to the blogging world "What's on your tree?"
My tree is such a combination of ornaments from all the places we lived over the years.

We lived in Germany for about 7 years and the first time we were there was very early in our marriage. As newlyweds our mission was to find cool ornaments for our tree. I love we got a lot of Santas over the years. If you look at this collage...the Santa with the white lace background is one that stays up year round. I used to tell the kids that Santa was always watching. That Santa has been mine since I was a kid myself.

Many of the German ornaments are wooden and handmade.

Some of these ornaments are delicate and have not always fared too well over the years. These are some of the more delicate ones.

Merry Christmas to all of you and your families. Hope yours is wonderful.


  1. I love your Santas! I didn't decorate a tree this year (and yes, I'm still dreaming about a shiny blue aluminum Christmas tree for the Airstream) - but there is one up at my Dad's (an artificial one - ugh) and I should take some images of the ornaments! (It'll go on 'the list' of things to do...).

    Your dog friends look quite at home in front of the tree - as if they are waiting for Santa!

    Have a nice Holiday Janet.

  2. Hello Janet,

    I love your international Christmas decorations. I like collecting ornaments from places we visit. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. Your tree looks exactly like ours! Eclectic, sentimental ornaments, colored lights - love it!

    Merry Christmas to you and your furry friend :)

  4. Hi Janet~~ You probably know this but your dog is smiling--a sign of a well-loved family member. Love your ornaments.

  5. Thank you for the link. Many of your wooden ornaments look like some we had as a kid. We got them as a kit and you glued them together and painted them with the paint provided. Do kids still enjoy doing things like this? Mine will sit down ocassionally for crafts, but it is not his first choice. Your dogs look Christmas card worthy. Please have a merry Christmas and rich in all the right ways new year.

    (my word verification is "doguffla")

  6. Merry Christmas Janet! I have enjoyed your post this past year and look forwarding to reading more in 2010. H

  7. I love your ornaments Janet, especially the wooden ones! Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Healthy and Happy New Year!

  8. Fabulous Santa collection and your other ornaments are wonderful too Janet. I love to collect ornaments. In fact, even tho I hate crowds, I plan to hit the after Christmas sales as I have my eye on several expensive ones I'd like to get for at least half price.
    Hope your Christmas is splendid.

  9. What a beautiful collection of ornaments. I like the idea of leaving Santa up year round :)
    Merry Christmas!

  10. I really love your tree and collection of ornaments! I also love your dog who does look very happy and content!!! Merry Christmas!!! Deborah

  11. You have a fabulous collection of ornaments! I especially like all of the Santas. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  12. Merry Christmas, Janet. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

    Always Growing

  13. Janet, I really like this post. The ornaments are great. We have added a couple each year we've been married - 34 years and its fun to bring them out and remember all those Christmas's past. Your dogs are so cute and that Australian Shepperd is a real beauty. Merry Christmas!

  14. Merry Christmas to you and I can clearly see where you've been ;) Lovely ornaments.

  15. Janet girl ! I love all of your ornaments and YES ! Having lived in Holland (South Limburg province .. between Germany and Belgium) going to Christmas markets was absolutely wonderful .. the smell of anise brings memories of that back every time I smell fennel ! LOL
    North Americans are so lucky to have a chance at living in Europe !
    I thinkyour pups were too happy to pose for this picture : )
    That was such a fluke I got the girls then and there on the mantle .. they are so big now, I can't see that ever happening again ? LOL
    Hope you are having wonderful holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year girl !!

  16. Janet, Your ornaments are wonderful and I love that a Santa stays up year round! How was Christmas? Happy New Year! Gail

  17. Hi Pam, I will keep my eyes peeled for that shiny blue NEED one!

    Hi Noelle, thanks so much. Hope yours was a great Christmas.

    Hi Ginger, I think eclectic is my middle name! Hope yours was a great Christmas.

    Hi Grace, so you think Skyler is smiling? He must be up to something!! My little mud ball.

    Hi Les, I guess some kids like putting things together. Christmas card worthy eh? Sounds good! Many thanks on the good wishes. Great word verification!

    Hi Dave, thanks!

    Hi Helen, I appreciate your visits. Happy New Year to y ou.

    Hi Tatyana, I appreciate it, I too like the wooden ornaments. Hope yours was as wonderful Christmas, see you in the blogging world in the New Year.

    Hi Kathleen, thanks, I do like my Santas. Hope you were able to find some bargains in the after sales.

    Hi Cathherine, Keeping Santa up year round it great with small kids. (or at least with mine) thanks!

    Hi Deborah, thanks for stopping by, Merry Christmas to you as well. Come back and see us soon!

    Hi Sweetbay, thanks so much. I am glad you like the Santas. Hope yours was a wonderful Christmas.

    Hi Jan, thanks, hope you did too!

    Hi David, Glad you liked it. I really enjoying seeing all the ornaments each year. One day you will have to meet these fourlegged furballs! The Aussie is usually covered in mud!

    Hi Anna, thanks, Hope yours was a wonderful Christmas with everyone home.

    Hi Joy, I do miss the Christmas markets in Europe.,..sights, sounds and for sure the smells of wonderful goodies. I was lucky with the doggie pose...have a third dog who was no where to be found when the camera came out. Oh well.

    Hi Gail, thanks so much! Christmas was great! A very Happy New Year to you as well.

  18. I hope yours was too and have a great New Year.

  19. Not only there is royal touch to the decoration, its international too!! ~bangchik

  20. I like your wooden ornaments, they remind me of the ones I had as a kid. Now I'm too lazy to put up a tree, but I still enjoy ogling the ornaments.
    Cute doggies.
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  21. Great pic of your dogs with the tree.
    Love those ornaments. Ornaments with a story are the best! :-)

  22. Hi Tina, thanks! Happy New Year to you as well.

    Hi Bangchik, haha, yes, very international.

    Hi Megan, I love seeing ornaments from others' trees. My doggies are stinky, but cute.

    Hi Victoria, thanks!


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