
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Seahorses Rule!

I know you are looking at this collage and saying 'Wait, there are no Seahorses in that collage!' What a keen observer you are!

A couple Saturdays ago, Charlie and I went to the Virginia Living Museum. It was a great day to see both flora and fauna. I haven't been to the museum since the kids were little. It is hard to believe there is so much nestled into the woods in Newport News. Many of the animals and fish were difficult to photograph as they were at a distance. There were Bald Eagles, Coyotes, Red Wolves, Deer, Turkey, Bobcat, and Egrets to name just a few. In the water exhibits there were Alligator, River Otter, Jellyfish, Turtles and oodles of varieties of fish. There are many hands-on exhibits for the kids and a great pathway through the outdoor exhibits.

My girls LOVE Seahorses! So I had to get a few photos of this amazing little creature. The white one was an added bonus.

Certainly a great place to visit again and again. 


  1. I have never been and want to. Last year my son and I had a scheduled play date on one of his odd days off from school. I had suggested The Living Museum and he nearly through a fit. I couldn't get all the details, but I heard him mumble something about a "dumb field trip" and an "unfair bus driver".

  2. Local museums can be sure treasure troves of memories and fun. I still like to go to our Life and Science Museum to see the critters, too.

    Love your seahorse photos!


  3. What an awesome day! Those seahorses and all the animals are so sweet.

  4. Seahorses are magical-looking creatures aren't they? The Living Museum is a great idea and looks like a wonderful place!

  5. Janet how much fun! I do that periodically with the zoo at Bear Mountain. Sounds like you had a lovely day.

  6. The look of sea horses is really fascinating... too similar to a horses yet stay submerged in water. ~bangchik

  7. Hi Janet~~ This just proves that all of us still have a little bit of the child in us. They are amazing creatures. Kudos for getting a wonderful shot.

  8. Aimee: "Why didn't I get invited?"

    Rebecca: "They're so beautiful and cute."

  9. I am in love with the seahorses

  10. Hi Janet! What a day - seahorses here, donkeys at Heather's, elks at Rosey Pollen's! I feel like I've been to a zoo!

  11. A day filled with animals. I can't imagine anything better.

  12. What a treat! Seahorses! No wonder we believe in magic and mermaids! gail

  13. Hi All, I am back, we went to SC for a couple of days, so I apologize for not responding sooner to your comments.

    LES- I think one on one at the Living Museum would be ever so much better, make it a surprise outing.

    Cameron, I agree. thanks, I am fascinated by seahorses.

    Tina, it was an awesome day.

    Sweetbay, magical is a good word for seahorses.

    Susie, remember the Berlin zoo?

    Bangchik, they are really fun!

    Grace, I think there is a BIG kid inside of me! I love this kind of thing.

    Becca and Aimee, you girls rock

    Rachel, I know.... ;-)

    Tatyana, it is a festival of the animal kingdom!

    Megan, it was pretty cool.

    Gail, good point!


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