
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Headin' South

As I stated in my previous post, we drove to our future home this week to see the progress. It was remarkable as when we were there in August, it was quite overgrown. To make the comparisons I am including some photos from a couple of our previous trips.  Welcome to our South Carolina home...

south carolina october trip 077-1a

For example, a couple comparisons-
Standing where we thought the house would be sighted and then standing at the front of the garage looking to the lake. If you look to the center of the photos there is a tree that is leaning a little to the right. It is an oak, you don't see it in person like you do when you look at the photos, kind of funny.

south carolina trip 020
south carolina october trip 038-1

I have posted these on my Flickr page so you can open them larger. In addition to the photos posted there is an attempt to show a panoramic view collage. A couple of the photos would not line up perfectly, but it is close. The collage is too wide to post here, so check it out on Flickr.

Here I am at the water in April, you will notice how much higher the water is in this photo. The next photo is from the other side of the lot showing the area where we will have rip-rap installed. See how much lower the water is? At least we have a sandy 'beach'. The vegetation at the water's edge was not good, some had rotted and some had some beaver damage that would cause issues later. It is a delicate balance to leave the good and clean up the undergrowth and damaged.

South Carolina house and lot 063
south carolina october trip 088-1a

To the dock and from the dock----
south carolina october trip 068-1south carolina october trip 048-1
***Please note I have written some explanations on each photo. ***
Last, here is a picture of the 'house'. The cinderblocks are wet because they were just filled with concrete.

south carolina october trip 046-1

Stay tuned for future updates as we make our trekk back and forth.  Our new neighbors have offered to take some pictures, so perhaps I will have some to share in between our trips. 


  1. Janet,

    Could it be you just want to be our neighbors? Live in VA and SC, one day you'll realize its too cold in VA and too hot in SC so with all that wasted effect you'll move to NC where the weather is perfect.

    Kidding aside your place looks like it'll be a fun place to live.

  2. Janet, I'll say this again: Location, location, location! You made it! I miss our lake in Missouri with its beavers, turtles, herons, ducks, fish, etc.(Etc. doesn't include snakes which I don't miss). We used to find geese droppings behind our house, now we find golf balls. I am so glad for you!

  3. That is beautiful with trees and the water.... Just wonder what will be at the front porch, a sunset or a sunrise?.. Cheers ~bangchik

  4. Quite a difference and so exciting!

  5. Hello,

    It is so fun to see you house being built from the ground up. I just love the location and the views!

    Have you started planning your garden yet?

  6. I love your new location! I lived next to a lake growing up and I still miss it, especially the ducks and the dazzle on the water.

  7. Hi Randy, Being your neighbor would be an adventure in education of all things winged. You and Meg know so much about butterflies and dragonflies and damsels..... wow. It isn't hot on the lake! They also are telling us there are no mosquitos! ha!

    Hi Tatyana, you betcha! Location baby! Not sure how to deal with the adventure.

    Hi Bangchik, Our back porch which looks over the lake faces north, which is ideal in the south, not too hot.

    Hi Tina, Will send you my first landscape plan. It is very exciting.

    Hi Noelle, Thanks for visiting here. I think I have been planning the garden before we settled on house plans. Now that we see the trees that are left and the shade on either side there will be some adjustments. Our HOA required a landscape plan, so am working with a landscaper.

    Hi Sweetbay, thanks! Being on the water is great. Looking forward to this new location.

  8. You've picked a prime spot for your new home! The waterfront view will be awesome. Plus you have a great reservoir for watering your plants!

  9. Janet, This is so exciting. You'll wake up to beautiful views every morning. Have you begun planning which of your favorites will be moving to the new garden? gail

  10. How beautiful! What a gorgeous place to get to live. I bet you can't wait to be living there.

  11. Hi Dave, yes it is an ideal spot. Luck for us we can use lake water for irrigation.

    Hi Gail, I am trying to limit the plants I bring with me. There are some with emotional attachment that I will bring, others, well, gosh--I guess I will have to go plant shopping. ;-)

    Hi Catherine, It is getting more exciting as we see some forward progress. It was off in the distant future for so long, now-- it seems real.

  12. So exciting! I know you are counting the days until it is finished! Your view/setting is fabulous! I can't wait to see the other photos.


  13. Hi Janet, the view is the thing and you have chosen well! You must be so excited about the whole thing. I look forward to updates. :-)

  14. Hi Cameron, Our view is really wonderful. I am looking forward to once the framing starts. Charlie is counting the days until he is finished working!!

    Hi Frances, thanks! We are happy with our lot...and we looked at quite a few! Many updates will be forth coming.

  15. Janet,
    What a lovely site, and what fun you'll have creating a new garden!

    Since you're already a knowledgeable gardener, you've got a good jump on things as you begin to garden in's actually not all that different, I would think, than what you've had in coastal VA. A bit colder in the winter, about the same in the summer (maybe a bit cooler - ha!)

    What fun to contemplate! But I would feel a bit sad about all of the coastal wildlife you're leaving behind, but not sad about escaping the hurricane threats, to be sure. We're quite happy to be in the Piedmont ourselves...


  16. Oh Gosh, it really is coming along. It's gonna be a nice place and looks like a 4 season retreat. Piers cost an arm and leg to build and probably wasn't easy to get permits I bet. It turned out pretty and look at all that fresh wood.

    It does look like you left the right amount of trees so the setting stayed natural. I think you did perfectly.

  17. Hi Lisa, Thanks! I am looking forward to the garden...will be very different for me as now I have full sun in the front and in the backyard, too often tidal waters limit the plant selection. We are sooooo coastal in this house, looking forward to leaving hurricanes behind. I think being on the lake we will have a good amount of wildlife.

    Hi Anna, The new dock was a big focal point of one of us ;-) when we were down there.
    I hope the trees vs yard balance is good. I know once the yard is graded it will look different.


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