
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Garden Fungi

This week there were mushrooms popping up all over the Learning Garden. Some were very strange in appearance. You can click on the picture and enlarge it to see detail with each fungi. There is one that looks like little nests with eggs in them.

mushrooms 10-1-2009 5-13-20 PM


  1. Taste??? No way!!! These look so interesting, Janet. So thick instead of just one or two. Must be some good stuff in the soil and/or mulch!

  2. Good morning Phillip, taste? right! I don't think so....

    Hi Tina, you are funny.

    Hi Frances, I am with you, no way! A few of the clusters are on old tree stumps. Lots of good decay.

  3. I would never think of tasting them! But they are very interesting to look at. My favorite is all those little ones ~ they really do look like nests. So cool.

  4. Neat collage! I have them all over my yard right now, too. They are especially prolific in the raised beds.

  5. You certainly have some different and interesting-looking fungi here, Janet. The only mushrooms I eat come from the supermarket--if I can't tell the difference between a rudbeckia and a coreopsis, I sure wouldn't trust my judgment in picking out edible mushrooms:)

  6. You found some really interesting ones. I've just started seeing then in the grass around here.

  7. Wow, what a great collage of a diversity of fungi! (I love that format).

    And, definitely, there's no way I'd stir-fry up a batch, unless I was totally confident of their identity.

    Just as nice to enjoy their decomposing skills and reproduction.


  8. I am sure they are botanically interesting, but a couple of them are fundamentally UGLY!

  9. Hi Kathleen, I wouldn't taste them either, I think Phillip is being funny.
    Those little nest ones were most unusual.

    Hi Ginger, Guess the moist time of the year helps increase the mushroom population.

    Hi Rose, thanks, I thought they were kind of interesting. I would never eat any mushroom out in the wild. I don't have the knowledge.

    Hi Catherine, they are kind of interesting.

    Hi Lisa, glad you like the collage. I enjoy seeing them in the garden, makes more added interest. No stir fry here!

    Hi Les, fundamentally ugly?? Nice talk.

  10. Not sure what all of them are and don't dream of eating them if you're not sure! But second row left looks like a lichen to me -Crab's Eye lichen (ochrolechia parella)???

    But lovely - I love it when the funghi suddenly pop up in autumn.

  11. Fungi are strange and sometimes beautiful!
    RE your comment about Graham Thomas - this rose is very hardy and survived an ice storm in my friend's yard that took out 20 of her other roses. But in his book, David Austin admits that it is no longer one of their best varieties. The form of the shrub is upright and somewhat awkward. Maybe Charles Darwin or Teasing Georgia or Golden Celebration would make a better yellow english rose for you? Although my friend still love her Graham Thomas, so maybe you would too! Rose love is irrational, I'm convinced.

  12. Hi Sue, thanks for the ID on the bird's nest things. It is really interesting to see what pops up in the fall.

    Hi VW, yes they are!
    Thanks for the info on the David Austins. I do want a yellow one-- will explore the options when time is closer. Nothing better than the heady fragrance of a rose in bloom.


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