
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- Mr. High Energy


  1. Too cute? Australian Cattle Dog?

    Our dog is 12 years old, 90 lbs, and still runs around like that. It always brings a smile to my face to see big dogs run around like they are light as a feather and puppies again!

  2. Oops meant "Too cute!" (not a question mark!)

  3. Thanks Ginger, he is an Australian Shepherd. Full of energy!

  4. Oh, the pleasure of feeling free!! He really enjoyed himself... ~bangchik

  5. Dear Aunt Janet:
    Skylar told me he wants his own flock of sheeps. Please and thank you.

  6. For some dogs nothing beats a good (if not endless) game of fetch. :) My JRT was the same way.

  7. She is a lucky dog because she can run free! We need to have Amur on a leash all the time.
    Thanks for your comments on my blog Janet. I also was thinking how much time that artist spent painting that chair. Other 8 chairs were much simpler. Should we buy chairs and try to do something similar? But how many paints we should buy! Maybe, we'd rather spend those money on plants!

  8. Hi Bangchik, he feels as though it is his job to chase the ball, he is driven!

    Hi Tina, and then some...

    AoF- Hi there, a flock of sheep?? right....

    Hi Sweetbay, he will play until he collapses and we have to be careful in the heat that he doesn't over do it.

    Hi Tatyana, All three of mine are 'free' our backyard is pretty big and they are sort of on voice control out front. They are ok until the UPS or Mailman come by-- then they are running into the street because dog treats are given out pretty freely.
    I like your blog. I really like that chair -- it is really fun. I think two of every color would just about do it. what an addition to the garden.

  9. Janet, he is adorable, but my boy, whose official registered name is Wiscoy's Tuckered Out Bob, "Tucker" is a big lazy lug...

  10. Hi Susie, sometimes having a big lazy lug would be good.

  11. He definitely has alot of energy doesn't it! lol ;)


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