
Friday, August 14, 2009

Let's Talk Turkey and August GBBD

A few of you know we headed down to our lot in South Carolina earlier this week to 'talk turkey' with a few of the folks in Greenwood. We bought a lot on Lake Greenwood last year. We have a builder and a landscaper and are talking to some dock builders. Next July we will move into our new home, our retirement home on Lake Greenwood. While driving through the community where our lot is located we came across more than a couple turkeys. More like couple dozen.... OR MORE!! They run when the truck comes close, so really nice clear pictures are in limited supply.

On our trip down we went over a suspension bridge on RT 295 south of Richmond Virginia. This picture is for CIO Photo. He had flying buttresses from Scope on his posting last week and it reminded me of this bridge.

Some sights in and around Greenwood... an old store near our end of the lake.

And an eatery that has great onion rings!!!

A trip down to the water's edge is a little easier on
the lot next to ours...ours is still very overgrown.

Other sightings on our lot...
this Phytolacca americana pokeweed is so bright, no wonder the birds love it!

And here is the dreaded Fire Ant --- not looking forward
to dealing with these guys!

We will be going to SC more often as the building begins. Will be keeping everyone updated as we move forward.

And now for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day for August. We are taking a mattress up to northern Virginia tomorrow, so I will add the link to Carol's site without the specific day's link.

This first flower is for Jen at Name That Plant. I bought this beauty earlier this summer. Rose of Sharon 'Blue Satin'. Hope it grows fast!

The mess I call my front yard......

A Lobelia siphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia) which is like a weed in my garden!

Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides is reblooming at this time of year. Hurray!

Finally showing some color is 'Black and Blue' Salvia guaranitica--

So Happy Bloom Day!!


  1. So awesome about your lot and getting the whole process started. Looks like a big lot even if the view is from your neighbor's side of things. Hate that you'll be fighting fire ants.

  2. simply beautifully captured shots....lovely!

  3. South Carolina, retirement, lake, dock . . . wow that is exciting. Not to mention a whole new landscape and garden to create! Thanks for the I295 bridge photo. It's a great composition taken from the moving vehicle.

  4. An empty lot - the mind reels with possibilities. Happy GBBD!

  5. Blooms and reblooms. August is a time of surprises. Happy Bloom Day.

  6. I think I'd like to have that lobelia as a weed in my garden. Have a safe trip!

  7. "the mess you call your front yard"??? that's what I'm trying to get my front yard to look like! ha!

  8. Ditto on Ginger's comment:)

    You are going to enjoy your new home, Janet--what a lovely view your lot has. And planning a brand new garden is always fun. My "black and blue" has finally perked up, too; aren't these blooms an intense blue?

  9. Love the retirement home area, it looks heavenly. Wild turkeys! And your front yard is not a mess at all, it looks very pulled together and tidy to me. Will it be sad to leave the garden behind when you move?

  10. Fire Ants! ACK!!! We dealt with those bad boys in Alabama. I hate those things!

  11. Hey Janet!

    Love the turkeys, poke weed as a adult (not so much the babies) and your other blooming fun! Happy BGGD. Helen

  12. Hey Janet,

    Great line-up! Nice shot of the turkeys too.
    I definitely wouldn't call your front yard a looks great!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Hello all, back from our trip to deliver bed to daughter... hit a big rain cloud then tons of traffic! Making the trip again tomorrow to take the rest of the 'junk' to her.
    Hi Anna, I can't believe how much our lot is overgrown, but the fire ants are something I REALLY am not looking forward to. ugh!

    Flyingstars- Hello and welcome! thanks for visiting and come back soon. Glad you like the photos.

    David, hi there, it is a very exciting process! I will not enjoy the trip down there each time! Will be seeing that bridge many more times. ;-)

    Hi Les, An empty lot to a gardener is lots of fun....will be a grand plan.

    NellJean, hi, thanks for visiting. I am happy with the reblooms! A very pleasant surprise.

    Hi Tina, Play your card right and I can try to get you some of this Great Blue Lobelia! ;-)

    Hi Ginger, it is a bit untended right now....and lots of weeds!

    Rose, nice to see you. Planning a new garden is fun, but hard--- keep it simple or have every plant I have looked at??? Oh the decisions!! I was surprised the Black and Blue took so long to bloom but glad it did!

    Hi Megan, These wild turkeys are thrilling to see. I hear we also have bald eagles...another thrill to see! In some respects it will be sad to leave this garden, but oh the plans we have.... whoa.

    KZK- hey,I know, we had them in Texas...rotten evil creatures!

    Hi Helen, aren't those turkeys fun? I think the pokeweed it very colorful. On our way home I saw a large plant with about 8 or more balckbirds in it....enjoying the berries.

    Hi Alan, Thanks! I was surprised how skittish the turkeys were...maybe when we live there and I can bring my camera on a walk I will get some better shots. (Trust me, the front is a mess...just took a good angle shot! )

  14. Janet, This is an exciting time...the anticipation and planning. It's good that your knowledgeable about can save the good ones from the bulldozer. I echo what others have said..That is no mess, it's a lovely garden! gail

  15. When your house goes on the market, I may have to look! You'll be leaving such gorgeous gardens!

  16. I know you're getting excited about building your new home!

    My 'Blue Satin' rose of sharon was gorgeous. It was labeled as deer resistant... NOT! It is pitiful now.

    Lovely blooms and garden border!

  17. Wow Janet, your new home is going to be so cool! You must be very excited thinking about the house and garden. I don't know how you can even do a bloom day on the old garden. Way to keep on top of things! :-)

  18. I'm with Tina on wanting that lobelia as a "weed" in my garden. It's gorgeous. Congrats on your new venture. It sounds exciting and will be fun to follow you along the way.

  19. Gail, it is exciting. Not sure what all I will be able to save, but with hope some of the nice trees will still be there.

    Hi Colleen, I will be leaving gorgeous gardens... and going to some new ones.

    Hi Cameron, This will be an exciting time for sure. My Blue Satin is a bit smaller -- nibbled by the bunnies.

    Hi Frances, I have lots of ideas about the new garden and know what I want inside... and will probably change my mind six more times. ;-)

    Hi Kathleen, The lobelia is an easy plant. I will be posting the process as we start the house.

  20. Congrats on the new place. Good luck in the build.

    Your current front yard looks great from my perspective.


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