
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Carol's Girls

I had the pleasure of going to visit another Master Gardener today. She introduced me to her girls...Poppy, Iris, Violet, and Chicory. I can't tell a couple of them apart...she can and that is what counts. We had a great visit and as a treat I got to take home two eggs!! Tomorrow's breakfast will be extra wonderful. Will let you know how great they are!!


  1. Well they sure are pretty. I want chickens so badly but hubby says they will cause our neighbors to complain. I'd rather get rid of the neighbors.

  2. I can't wait for the day when I can have chickens. Need the kids play area though...guess I should wait until they outgrow it! H.

  3. Too cute! You will love the fresh eggs!

  4. Hi Anna, aren't they fun? I imagine some neighbors should be shooed away! My hubby wants chickens though the HOA doesn't allow them. His solution is to put little jackets on them and tell the HOA they are our grandchildren. (I married him!)

    Hi Helen, well, the kids could teach the chickens some tricks?!?!

    Hi Tina, I am looking forward to the eggs in the morning. Will I be spoiled for the ones from the store?

    Cameron, hi, they were really talkative too!

  5. They really are some pretty gals. Can't wait to hear how the eggs tasted! ;)

  6. Hi Racquel, will keep you posted on my breakfast! ;-)

  7. Was your breakfast EGGStra special?
    I had to say that!

  8. Janet the eggs will be great. For years we bought all of our eggs at a local egg farm. Company always thought they'd died and gone to heaven eating breakfast. The owners retired and none of the kids wanted to keep it going so no more fresh eggs! Now I live in the next little town down and they have what they call the biggest egg in the world - guess there were many chicken farms but not one to be found now! I really miss having them.

  9. Beautiful "girls"..... and well fed. Fresh egg is exquisite!!

  10. Those are some fat and sassy ladies!:) Enjoy your breakfast!

    Enjoyed the post about Charlie's Antiques--the selection of garden sculptures is amazing. I'd love to have that grist stone for a water feature, but I do think you should get the mermaid for your own garden; Gilmore needs a companion:)

  11. Hi Janet... I am passing you the Meme Award. If you already have it, you can always have another one, why not..... haha. Check out my latest post! ~ bangchik.

  12. Fresh eggs... I would visit that friend more often!

  13. They look happy and healthy. Bon appetit!

  14. Hi Janet~~ The girls do indeed look chipper and spunky. I know from experience, as I'm sure you do too, the vast improvement free-range chicken eggs taste compared to the imprisoned chickens we city folk are stuck with.

    I love the flower names Carol chose. Sweet!

  15. They are good looking brood(?) gail

  16. Janet -- They are cute, and it sounds like you had a lot of fun. I had a visit today, too, with two Austin garden bloggers. I like eggs, and I like to look at and read about chickens. BUT, I don't really like chickens (beaks & claws and Hitchcock's "The Birds") and I own a reputed chicken-killing hound dog! Enjoy your breakfast.

  17. Hi K. They were egg-strodinary! smarty!!
    hi RainGardener- I can really see how you could get used to having fresh eggs!

    Hi Bangchik, they were very pretty chickens.

    Hi Rose, These girls were really talkative! Lots of different noises ...full vocabulary. Gilmore can be an only mermaid for a while! Her friend wasn't cheap!

    Bangchik, how nice, thanks. Will turn on my brain and try to come up with some ideas.

    Hi Tatyana, good idea!

    Hi Donna, thanks! It was a good breakfast.

    Hi Grace, free-range is so much nicer. I like the names she chose as well.

    Gail, hi there, they are really pretty chicks.

    Hi Diana, you are fun. I remember the Hithcock film... they do have long nails and beaks. I wouldn't let my nitwit dogs around chickens...goodness knows what they would do. Want to hear about your visit with the other Austin bloggers.

  18. Janet girl .. those were great pictures of the girls ! You are going to laugh at me .. I am afraid of chickens .. now how silly is that ? I love seeing them from a distance .. used to have a chicken motif in my chicken for accent decorations .. but in real life .. I go running in the other direction and the chickens LAUGH at me ... big sigh !
    How were the eggs ??
    Joy ;-)

  19. I'd love to have chickens and fresh eggs too Janet. Were the eggs delicious?? Love the coloring of these chickens. I've read if you just get hens and no roosters they aren't noisy at all? I'm tempted to find out if that's true...

  20. Hello Joy!! I would not laugh! The eggs were great!

    Hi Kathleen, the chickens didn't really make too much noise. They were talking-- lots of cluck-y sounds, all very different. On the whole I would say they are very quiet. Go for it!

  21. I want chickens, but I'm afraid the bears and raccoons will want their eggs. Well, that and Tom says there are enough girls in his house that already rule the roost.

  22. HI Susie! I am outnumbered since the girls have moved out!


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