
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What the........??? Bunny hunting!!! Or was it a toad?


  1. That's one reason why I don't have a dog! Allergies, too. I have a preemptive deadheader, courtesy of my 18-month old. She does much more damage than any pet, and is absolutely adorable while in process.

  2. ....or a dandy cool spot. It is a good thing we love them.

  3. Oh dear! Whatcha gonna do? Nothing! Look at those eyes! H.

  4. Looks like a bear, but it must be a dog:)

  5. Good evening VW, dogs are like kids-- gotta love them! They are cute and so innocent when they are sleeping.

    Donna, hi! You are right!!! They are good company when they aren't running amuck through my garden.

    Helen, He does have a sweet face... and big brown eyes!

    Hi Tina, He is a 70 lbs. bear-- stubborn about finding whatever was moving around in the garden, pouncing like Tigger- ALL OVER MY FLOWERS!!!

  6. Making its own den much cooler than provided?... For a moment, I thought it was the work of alien aircraft!!
    ~ bangchik

  7. Janet,

    Feel lucky you only have one puppy out there! We have two smaller ones but they are so old they don't tear up as much as they used too.

  8. hi Bangchik, if only it were an alien spacecraft! Just a big dog after something moving in the garden!

    Morning Randy,
    I have three puppies!! Earlier in the afternoon two of them were in the garden searching for whatever it was. The third one is old, she wasn't interested.

  9. Looks like hide and seek to me...He hides, you seek, etc....Loki steals and chews. Not sure which is worse.

    Going to Greenwood this Saturday to a family gathering.

  10. thanks KZK, rotten dog!!

    Hi Lauren, So you are off to Greenwood? We head down next month to see about the staking of the lot for house placement.
    Newton is seeking the something that was moving in the garden...and now it is a constant search! Aughghgh

  11. Dogs aren't quite as dainty as cats, are they? lol Your daisies are still beautiful anyway.

  12. Hi Sweet Bay, well, they were beautiful--now they are all on the ground. Newton is not dainty by any measure!!

  13. LOL, fortunately, the rabbits have stayed out of my garden, or else I would have lots of flattened flowers, too:)

  14. Oh my...but he's as cute as can be! gail

  15. Well it must have been fun anyway.Playing in the Susan's or chasing its tail?

  16. "But Mom, a dog has got to have a spft outdoor bed to keep and eye on the place!"

    That first photo almost looks like a crop circle. Wonder if dogs are behind those as well?? :)

  17. I'm going to vote rabbit. The reason for that is that when Simba was still with us, she learned early on that toads don't taste very good. The few times she tried to get one, she spit it out and drooled all over kingdom come. She left them alone after that.

    Dogs are not very careful when it comes to gardens, are they?

  18. I think you've got your holiday card photo! Darling! Cute enough to forgive....

  19. too funny! My dog has done this too. I can get over that but I really don't like it when he picks a favorite plant to lift his leg on over and over!

  20. Good morning Rose, I wish our rabbits would go elsewhere. Between the damage the bunnies do by eating the plants...Newton finishes by pouncing on them.

    Hi Gail, thanks, I think he is cute too....good thing too. ;-)

    Lona, Hi! He is driven to find whatever is in there. Enough already!

    Hi Beckie, The whole garden is starting to look like a crop circle!

    Good morning Kylee, I would have voted for it being a rabbit, except I saw part of was either a wet bunny or a BIG toad. I don't think Newton ever caught any toads to find them yucky.

    Daffodil Planter- hi there! Interesting idea. I was kind of pleased with the 'cuteness' of the picture.

    Hi Kathleen, glad I am not alone. I don't like the 'lifting of the leg' on my plants either...I have some small fences up to keep them at a distance from the plants.

  21. Does he know there was a snake in there not long ago? Isn't that the bed that gets no attention till all has died out? I think Newton just changed the plan for the snakes. Yea Newton!

  22. Good morning Anna, great memory! Yes that is the garden. Now I have weeds standing tall in the back and then all the coneflowers and black-eyed susans flattened!! Good thing he is a cutie.

  23. Ha ha!

    We place garden chairs strategically in our garden to direct our dog around certain areas.

    I think we'll have to buy squirt guns to control the chickens. They are particularly fond of foxglove (hasn't bothered them) and lamb's ears.


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