
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tonight's the Night!

For those of us who have Epiphyllum oxypetalum, it is exciting to watch as one of the giant white flowers opens up as evening rolls in. These flowers only remain open for one night. If in the morning you see a limp bud hanging on the stem, you missed it!! Last year's first bloom opened on July 11th. This afternoon I saw the bud and thought that it may be opening glad I caught it! There are three more buds ready to bloom, perhaps in about three days. Carol at May Dreams Gardens had one open earlier this week. I believe this is one plant I will be bringing to South Carolina!

UPDATE----Three blooms opened the next night!!!! Guess my estimate of a couple of days was off.


  1. It's gorgeous! I've never seen one before. I love the Rod Stewart song.

  2. Now that is anticipation girl ! What a beauty it is and to have Rod Stewart serenade the occassion is perfect !

  3. Its a wonder how plants bloom about the same time year after year... You are lucky Queen to capture the special moment!... yes, you found the Night!

    ~ bangchik

  4. How gorgeous! Your collage is beautiful, too. It is worth the wait for that wondrous bloom to open.

  5. Wow -- so glad you caught it and could shar it with us. I have one, but I usually do just like you described -- I see the limp bloom the next morning! I'll keep my eye out now. I just moved mine into a cooler, shadier spot, and it's looking happier already.

  6. That is one interesting plant and the bloom is worth waiting for too!

  7. I have never seen this beautiful flower/plant Janet. How wonderful to catch it blooming. It's really stunning. Great song pairing too. Happy 4th of July!!

  8. I always seem to miss mine, so after Carol's post I did an inspection and no buds yet.

  9. Good morning all and Happy Fourth!!
    Tina- seemed like Rod Stewart just fit there!
    Joy- After missing it a few years I have become obsessed about making sure I watch every night.
    Bangchik- thanks! Bloom times are really interesting aren't they? I was very lucky!!
    Phillip- like the song?
    Tatyana- good description, an elegant bride.
    Jan- It is a great bloom --the plant is not that attractive.
    Diana- I bring mine by the backdoor next to my desk, I imagine in your heat yours needs lots of shade.
    Racquel- Let me know if you want a piece..though it has to be brought in during the winter (mine goes into the garage)
    Kathleen- It is stunning, the bloom and fragrance are so interesting.

  10. Hi Les, when I moved mine from under the trees to the deck I found the bud that opened first, then when I set it down, I couldn't find it. I was worried it broke off. These stems are so big and contorted it is hard to see all the buds. Hope yours blooms soon.

  11. Wow, that is spectacular. It looks almost too good to be true. I'll have to look it up and see if it'll grow in my zone. Too funny with the Rod Stewart video.

  12. Hi Megan, this is one of those plants that needs to come into the garage or the house in the winter... not hardy at all in my zone 7b. I put mine in the garage-- it is really big and not that attractive.

  13. My BIL is always filled with anticipation making sure he doesn't miss the blooming event of his plant.

  14. Meg got a Night Blooming Cerius about 12 years ago it finally bloomed the past two years and WOW, the aroma is something too. We moved theplant to paradise and it didn't like the winter inside here but it is growing outside now fine. One leaf fell off and now it is planted and growing leaves like crazy.

  15. Stunning photos, Janet! I saw Carol's post the other day, too; so glad you were able to catch this lovely in bloom.
    Hope you're having a happy Fourth of July! It rained here all day, and most activities were postponed until tomorrow.

  16. A lovely post, thanks! I'll have to look into Epiphyllum oxypetalum -- it sounds like a wonderful plant to have.

  17. Hi Donna, It is certainly an event when the blooms open!
    Randy, hi, like I said above, I keep mine in the garage over the winter, then move it under the pine trees to get it used to being outside, then up on the deck to keep a close eye. Need to root a few leaves.
    Rose, hi there, sorry your festivities were rained out, hope you have some good fireworks tonight.
    Evening Lisa, let me know if you want a piece of this one, it apparently roots easily.

  18. Hi Donna, It is certainly an event when the blooms open!
    Randy, hi, like I said above, I keep mine in the garage over the winter, then move it under the pine trees to get it used to being outside, then up on the deck to keep a close eye. Need to root a few leaves.
    Rose, hi there, sorry your festivities were rained out, hope you have some good fireworks tonight.
    Evening Lisa, let me know if you want a piece of this one, it apparently roots easily.

  19. They are beautiful...worth the wait for sure! gail


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