
Sunday, July 26, 2009


No, this isn't about the soda popular in Texas. Big Red soda is super sweet and not my cup of tea...
This is Texas Star, Hibiscus coccinea. Other common names are Scarlet Hibiscus or Swamp Hibiscus. This is a hardy Hibiscus that is salt tolerant, which is a bonus for me. Additionally they don't mind wet feet nor drought conditions. In the winter this plant dies back to the ground. I often leave the dead stalks until I see new growth the following spring, just as a reminder there is a plant in a certain spot! These great big red blooming flowers are in multiple places in my backyard. The birds spread the seeds as well as germinating where they drop from the stalks. The leaves are deeply palmated --often looked at a second time ---some think I am growing something else! There is one at the corner of the house that is tall....VERY TALL! At this time it is 10 feet 2 inches tall. The goldfinches love this seed in the fall. The hummingbirds check out the red flower quite often as well.

Other 'Reds' in the landscape include the Canna, Caladiums, Petunias, Snapdragons (I am surprised these are still going strong!), celosia, and a couple Cordylines (Spikes). Amazing that each season has a dominate color. This season is RED!!


  1. Reds are good in the garden. Especially Big Red, my favorite flavor of soda. Unfortunately it is not too common in Tennessee. I have to buy it in Kentucky or Indiana. Red is such a nice color in the garden. I hope the concert was great.

  2. P.S. So glad you took off the moderation.

  3. Exciting to see such brilliant red in the garden isn't it? We have a token red hibiscus that bloomed today too, the blackberries have grown over it so it barely gets to bloom out.

  4. Wow! I too love red in the garden. The hibiscus is stunning. H.

  5. Wow, at 10' tall I would say that's a BIG RED! Sounds like a perfect plant for your area. I didn't plant much red this year, but do have red verbena in a half barrel that is growing like crasy right now. I should plant more reds as the hummers are supposed to be very fond of that color of bloom.

  6. Hi Tina, You like Big Red??? hahahah no way! Love all the red blooms, really attracts the hummingbirds.
    The concert was great. check out my music blog...(see the side bar)

    Hi Randy, The red really does pop in the garden. You will have to get some more red hibiscus and rescue the one under the blackberries.

    Evening Helen, It is a striking plant, the height is unbelievable. Good solid red color.

    Hello Beckie, I had to get out the tape measure and check the exact height. It just keeps getting taller and taller.

    Hi Phillip- want some? Let me know.

  7. Big Red is a striking plant in size & color. The leaves do remind me of ;)

  8. Great flowers! Those are huge hibiscus blooms. I've been adding more red here this year, but I've got a lot of catching up to do


  9. You know too much about reds ;) They are pretty and I do love my red Knock Outs. There is just something wrong with saying that isn't there?

  10. Good morning Racquel, You should have seen some of the looks when I first had this growing! 'Really it is a hibiscus, really'. haha

    Hi Cameron, aren't they though? Red seems to be my dominant color at this time!

    Anna, Hi there! I am not sure that I know anything about 'reds' in the landscape, but I certainly have lots! Your Knock Outs are something that would fit right in!

  11. I love that hibiscus. I don't typically care for them that much but this one is a bit different. I will have to look for one.

  12. Hi Colleen, It is a native hibiscus. Easy care, wet feet or dry conditions....not too picky!

  13. I've often lusted after that Texas star, just never have bought one. Yet...............

  14. Hey Janet, is Big Red as sweet as Mountain Dew soda ? We had American friends (military) while we lived in Holland and that was the soda they drank .. I find it really sweet so i don't know if Big Red would blow the top off of my head ? LOL
    I had a hibiscus at one point a few years ago but something happened to it (can't remember what of course ?) now you have me thinking of having one again .. we feed the Goldfinches and having plants they like is a bonus .. I guess I have to put my thinking cap on and find some space for next year ? ;-)

  15. I love this hibiscus, especially the color and the flowers great looks! ...a neighbor has it towering over her mailbox and it looks delightful. I don't have near enough red flowers! gail

  16. I've never heard of Big Red soda! It sounds yummy tho since I have a penchant for sweet...
    Your garden reds are equally yummy and show stopping. This is one gorgeous season in your garden Janet.

  17. Good morning Victoria, I think you need one of these!!

    Joy, hi there, Big Red is sweet like Bubble Gum (if I remember correctly- Brother in law loved it, about 25 years ago!) This hibiscus doesn't take much of a foot print- most of the impact is upright.

    Hi Gail, I think you need to sweet talk your neighbor and get some of these reds!

    Hi Kathleen, you would really need to like super sweet to like Big Red (ask Tina) Thanks, I do like this red burst of color.

    Hi Lucy, thanks!!

  18. Janet -- Oooh, I love that Texas Star and I can't wait to get one! I can't believe it is that tall. The other reds in your garden are lovely, too.

  19. Hi Diana, I am glad you like it, will send seeds along as soon as I can.


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