
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Buddleia davidii 'Adonis Blue'

Yesterday as I was surveying the front garden I noticed a Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus Linnaeus on my Buddleia. Since Cameron has the same Buddleia and wondered about color, I thought I would share. The Adonis Blue is really a nice compact Buddleia. Mine has been in ground for a few years. Too often I find my Buddleia get leggy and needing constant deadheading. This one is so much nicer to have, little deadheading and nicely branched limbs, keeping it full and compact. Also nicely fragrant!

Here is a close-up of the bloom.

This bush is in a very blue area of the garden. I didn't realize it until I took the picture. There is a Nikko Blue Hydrangea, Verbena bonariensis, and Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Russian Sage'.


  1. I had two of these last year and I loved them. They were small, as they were brand new. I don't think I overwintered them properly, becuase they haven't come back.

  2. Hi Janet~~ Great photo and what a nice thing to have a butterfly taking advantage of your horticultural prowess. I've been looking for one of the newer dwarf Buddleia cultivars but now that Buddleia is banned from sale in Oregon I can kiss that idea goodbye. I've got a 'Royal Red' that I love but it's by no means a dwarf. LOL. Sometimes I think laws are stupid and meant to be broken. (Kidding, I think.)

  3. Hi Anna, sorry your Buddleia didn't make it. What zone are you? Prehaps it is too cold.
    Afternoon Grace,
    I had no idea Oregon was limiting plant material coming into the state. Bummer.

  4. That is a gorgeous shade of blue on your Buddleia! I love that area of your garden with the different tones of blues. :) Great shot of the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, I've seen a few this season so far. My white Buddleia is budded up but no blooms yet.

  5. It looks awesome with that Nikko blue! So pretty! Mine have only begun blooming yesterday. They are such nice plants.

  6. Racquel, thanks! My Buddleia just popped in the last couple days, amazing. I do love the purples and blues.
    Tina, good afternoon. It does make a nice corner of the garden with the hydrangea backdrop. I am happy that the hydrangeas came out as blue as they did, remember the aluminum sulfate timing issue?

  7. Yes, I remember, but they look fine.

  8. tina, I think they look pretty good too. Just surprised after the timing. YEA!

  9. Great picture! I have one of these and have had it for 2 or 3 years. It's never been too impressive, though the rare, small flowers are a brilliant color. Perhaps I need to prune mine or fertilize it!

  10. Thanks Ginger, wonder why yours isn't going strong? Hope it does better this year.

  11. Nice blue garden you've got going. This is the first I've heard of smaller buddleias, but great idea.

  12. Blue is a wonderful color in a garden...cools things off in the summer. Great photos Janet...Adonis Blue is beautiful! Now I am wondering which Butterfly Bush I am growing! Much search for its tag! gail

  13. What a fabulous blue combination you've got going Janet. I'm so jealous your Buddleias are already blooming ~ it will be another month before we see color on ours. The first photo with the Swallowtail is wonderful. Hope you're having a good weekend.

  14. Good morning Kim and Victoria,
    thanks, I do like the blue colors. This is a nice sized buddleia and there is one smaller called Blue Chip. (just saw it in catalogues, don't have it)
    We could use some cooling off, the heat and humidity have been like mid-July this week! Hope you find the tag for your bush.
    I do like this combo though I keep thinking I may move the Russian Sage up closer to the Buddleia. I was lucky with the butterfly! Yes, nice weekend, yours good?

  15. Hi Janet, what a good sales pitch for Adonis Blue! The flower forms even look slightly different, sort of ruffled? Or is that just my poor eyesight. I saw one dark swallowtail yesterday, the first of the season. Watching thee bronze fennel now for caterpillars, it is grown just for them. Love all your blues. :-)

  16. Hi Frances, Didn't think I was pitching it, but it is a very nice Butterfly Bush. Ruffled? hmmm...I think it is the blooms just not quite open all the way?
    I have a Bronze Fennel in each of the front porch containers, hoping they get tall enough to be my 'height' in the container. (Probably just in time for the caterpillars to come and eat it all!)

  17. Hey Janet, I'm a fan of Adonis Blue too. Have your tried the 'Blue Chip' yet? That ones a keeper and will fit anywhere. I'm heading your way next week. I'll be visiting with Les Parks - A Tidewater Gardener. I'm from Virginia and love the Tidewater water area.

    Helen Yoest
    Gardening With Confidence

  18. Hi Helen, thanks for visiting. I had heard you were visiting Les. Do you know what day you are going to his shop?
    I know of Blue Chip, but do not have one. Have 'earmarked' it for my future garden. (we are moving to SC).

  19. I like the monochromatic color combination you have going. I didn't think much about it until I saw Grace's comment, I guess I haven't seen butterfly bush around in nurseries for some time now. There is a vacant lot down the street though that they're growing wild in, if anyone around here were so inclined to try to get some on the sly.

  20. Hi Megan,
    I hope you don't get caught digging up a wild buddleia by moonlight! :-D Glad you like the monochromatic scheme...gardening by accident.

  21. Look at those blues--you sure planned that perfectly. You'll have to take some cuttings to the new house.

  22. Good morning Anna,
    I didn't plan (sh...don't tell anyone) this colors are ones I like, so I am drawn to buying the plants that have the blues, purples, lavenders...all that end of the crayon box!


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