
Friday, May 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day- May 2009

Hard to believe it is already halfway into the month of May. In the world of garden bloggers, we set aside the 15th of each month to profile what is blooming and share it through Carol at May Dreams Gardens--so head over there to see who else is posting their lovely blooms for the month of May.

Most of my blooms have been posted in the last few days...I have such a crazy schedule right now that I didn't even realize it was the 15th!! Most of my garden is still dominated by the color purple....from the Tradescantia to the Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' (a new addition and in a container on the deck)

Some of the showiest plants in the garden are foliage color. Here is an update on the containers from the front porch.... Waiting for the hidden Bronze Fennel to spurt....

In the front garden, under the dining room windows, I have mostly azaleas, hosta, Heuchera, Artemesia 'Silver Queen'. I added a Weigela 'French Lace' that was on the bargain table in the fall. Seems to be happy there. Nestled next to the Weigela is a new Japanese Painted Fern, Athyrium niponicum Pictum.

So Happy Bloom Day to everyone........we are off to another college graduation. Lots of kids to be proud of this spring!!


  1. I always look twice at purple flowers myself and have seemed to amassed quite a few. Happy GBBD!

  2. Janet, Good morning! The last photograph...(which is directly beneath the comment page as I type) is so lovely a combination of plants...the new wiegelia looks perfect with the Japanese Painted Fern, hosta and the bit of artemesia I see...Btw, you have a great eye for container design. have a delicious day! gail

  3. Happy Bloom Day to you too! Have the greatest time today and your garden is wonderful!

  4. I especially like that purple combined with the bright, chartreuse foliage -- a great combination. :)

  5. Your garden is looking very happy this Bloom Day. I love that container Janet, it really is a nice combination of colorful foliage & texture. Purple is my favorite color in the garden too! ;)

  6. Janet,
    I love your foliage combinations. I wish I could do more with foliage plants, but with deer that's even more of a challenge than blooms! LOL


  7. Hi Janet, you certainly have a way with foliage combinations. That container is fabulous! It all looks lush and wonderful.

  8. I still can't get over that amazing container! It is PERFECTION!

  9. Good morning Les, thanks, I think the various shades of purple are so rich, then when paired with the yellows...well, it sure pops!
    Gail, thanks, I am pretty happy with the combo of plants right now. That front garden is riddled with tunnels, so there is a lot of perma-til --hope the voles not eat the roots. A good eye, eh? you are very sweet to say so.
    Tina, thanks, it was an interesting day....long!
    Nancy, I like that too! It makes both colors pop.
    Racquel, you will have to come and see the container in person! It is really going to town.
    Cameron, I am lucky that we do not have the deer issue...seems to be the only animal issue we don't have to deal with. I really like playing with foliage- color and texture--one year I just didn't have many blooms and was a bit frustrated--so began the quest for interesting foliage.
    Frances, that container is really lush!! Not sure if it may need to have a plant or two removed before the season is over.
    Ginger, wow! thanks!

  10. Hi Janet! You have such beautiful color and texture in your combinations. I love that as much as colorful blooms!

    Thanks for visiting Our Little Acre. Come back often! :-)

  11. Hi Kylee, thanks for visiting here as well! I marked your blog on my list so I can see when you have a new post.

  12. Beautiful photos of beautiful plants! I love the container (always looking for ideas :)!
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Hi Aerie-el, sorry I missed your comment... I think putting containers together is fun. Glad you like this one. Hope your weekend was great.

  14. Love that container mix that you put together with all those vibrant and tropical colors, as well as that combination of interesting foliage in the garden. It's so lush and full.

  15. Hi!
    Wow! The container arrangement that you created is just bursting with color and texture, it's gorgeous. I like the combo of variegated plants in the last photo too!
    Happy gardening! Karrita

  16. I love your new larger pics!
    Your garden looks great, with the hosta and heuchera.


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