
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- Fog on My Drive by Rachel

update with more photos of the fog--- first attempt at a collage


  1. Are you sure it's not an impressionist's painting?...

  2. It is a photo!! I took it from my cell phone while I was driving to practicum early this morning! (taking pictures and driving is totally safe!)

    The fog was just so pretty, I will send my mom some more pictures, maybe she will add some more!


  3. That's a gorgeous photo.

  4. Truly lovely! good work.

  5. Thanks all for visiting today. Kudos to Rachel for a really nice shot...well composed.

  6. Absolutely beautiful, moody, early morning photo. Lovely!

  7. This looks like a painting instead of a picture snapped while driving down the road! Beautiful...

  8. It does look like a work of art, pastels or maybe watercolors. :) Beautiful shot Rachel!

  9. That is a lovely scene. Calming, peaceful and yet mysterious and enigmatic, curious. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Nancy, Skeeter, Racquel, Grace- thanks for visiting today. I think Rachel did a great job with this shot. I keep looking at it and seeing more detail. Really cool.

  11. What a dreamy picture. And thanks for the encouraging comment on my blog today! I feel lucky to have a set of garden cheerleaders via the blog world.

  12. janet, Wonderful...are you happy with the effect...I think you did a marvelous job! Totally safe to drive and shoot photos! gail

  13. VW, it is dreamy isn't it? Foggy days are mysterious and kind of fun. We will cheer you on with each new project!
    Gail- I think any first attempt at something one looks with a critical eye. Yea, really safe driving and taking photos! Kids!

  14. WOW! Love these photos!! Great job Janet!

  15. It is amazing for any camera...but a camera-phone?! Rachel, you did a fabulous job here! This large photo does look like a painting. I love the collage! Now, I just got a little note from Janet, 'cell phones and driving!' he he! Janet, my daughter is the same way. Yeah, I suppose it's ok, if you're out in the country, the roads are straight (not curvy), there's no cliff on the side where you could 'go over', there are no cars in either direction, you are going very slowly, you have a passenger who can hold on to the steering wheel, etc!! But at any rate, they are gorgeous photos!'
    Now Rachel, just please don't 'text' while you drive, ok??!

  16. PS They 'all' look like paintings, and the one w/the cows 'falling over'! is particularly interesting;-)

  17. Jan, I will let Rachel know she needs to read this! (thanks for the comments.) You know they tell me they are not texting while driving...I certainly hope not.
    I, too like the leaning cows. Not sure how that happened.

  18. Grand job and the subject matter is so serene. I don't have a favorite as they all have something I like. Seems like it's all slanting and did you do that on purpose? Is that how the wind blows in your area. When I lived in North Dakota, everything was slanted from the wind.

  19. Anna, I think things are slanting because Rachel was driving and using a camera phone that doesn't have a fast shutter. Brrrr..North Dakota.

  20. What lovely photos of a beautiful foggy drive!

  21. Lisa, foggy days are fun to capture in photos.


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