
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Voles and the destruction of a garden

I didn't think I was going to write anything today until I took two of the dogs outside. Of course Skyler was chasing his ball while Newton just meandered about the yard. A couple of days ago I noticed my lilac bush leaning into the gardenia. I wiggled it a little and sure enough...the voles had struck. I had hoped a few floodings of the yard from storms (tidal) would have depleted the population, unfortunately I was wrong. Guess it is time to get the peanut butter on mouse traps and do my own depletion.

Anyway, Newton seemed to think that the pulled up remains of the lilac was his "stick". When he was a puppy he took out a few small shrubs, thinking they were good toys with which to play fetch. This is only taken with my phone, didn't have the camera with me. I should have kept track of all the plant loss due to voles, ROTTEN CREATURES!!


  1. Maybe Newton was after the vole and got out the lilac bush.If the dogs start digging for the voles you really will have some holes LOL.

  2. I SO TOTALLY sympathize. They are destructive critters and it seems almost impossible to get rid of them! I have resorted to just stamping the ground periodically to firm up the dirt around plants. Some of course are losses. I tried this AWESOME product two years ago when the voles ate nearly all the roots off from nandinas in a foundation garden and it worked! It is a Mole/Vole repellent I think. In a yellow bottle. You sprinkle it on the soil prior to a good rain, then follow up in a week or two. Haven't had an issue in that spot since. Try it out, well worth the expense to save aggravation. Urrrr! Ha, the verification is 'cheer'.

  3. HHG-
    I just wish Newton was after the vole...I had already pulled the lilac out...just too muddy to take it around to the front. Don't know why I waited, it is raining again. I live in a swamp!
    Sounds like a caster oil product. I have used some caster oil products before, it just depends on how well I keep up with it. Extension recommendations are to use the peanut butter and traps for effective control.

  4. Nothing is better a treating moles and voles than a hungry cat.

  5. Les,
    Very true... three dogs is enough for me right now though......was hoping the snakes had taken care of the moles. No such luck.

  6. God, I don't ever want to have the "joys" of experiencing voles! I hear they are awe full creature. I didn't know they could take out a lilac bush. But on the bright side...Your phone has a pretty nice camera!

  7. Organic Gardener,
    Voles can take out small trees if they are really hungry. In our community garden we lost a couple azaleas and a 4- 5 foot tall rhododendron.
    Thanks for the comment about the camera, I was pleasantly surprised the first time I downloaded pictures to view on the computer.

  8. I haven't seen any signs of those destructive little beasts in my yard this year. (Knock on wood!) The dogs tend to keep the wildlife at bay the majority of the time. :)


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