
Friday, January 23, 2009

Deserted Island challenge

I am onboard for the Deserted Island Challenge from Shirl at Shirls Gardenwatch. For those who haven't seen the challenge- while simple, it is not easy. If stranded on a deserted island what three plants would you want to have with you? The food is available, so it is not critical to have plants that you need for survival. The growing climate is whatever you want/need it to be. So on that are my three choices-

From The Queen of Seaford
The first is a childhood favorite, one that isn't easy to grow here in the south. Old fashioned lilac. Syringa vulgaris You may remember my bush was severely damaged by the vole population. Can't you just smell the fragrance?

The second choice is Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’ another one for fragrance. This late winter bloomer is so delicious. They are also rather delicate...lost one and not sure why. Sorry no picture here, but go to Defining Your Home to see a beautiful example. thanks Cameron.

The third plant would have to be another fragrant choice... Rosemary. I don't know about you, but I can't walk by a bush without stroking the foliage and embracing the scent. The tiny blue flowers are an added bonus.

So all my choices are about fragrance..... if I were to choose plants that encourage the birds and butterflies, it would be a different list. Most likely to include Echinacea purpurea, Rudbeckia sp., and Monarda didyma.

From The Queen of Seaford

The goldfinches go wild in my deck garden.....

From The Queen of Seaford


  1. Oh it's lovely...or I should say, they're lovely! Agree with all the is so hard to choose. That's why it's so good everyone is bringing something different! I have wonderful memories of lilac bushes in my grandmothers backyard, when I was a child. But I've never had one and I haven't tried to grow one. I'd love to, but don't really have a spot for it. Haven't tried lavender yet either, but plan to this year. I'm listening to what everyone has to say and taking notes!

    Monarda, I really do love. I had some a few yrs ago. It does spread a bit, so unless there's 'lots' of room it has to be pulled out and thinned. Unfortunately my garden area had to be dug into when something went wrong w/the plumbing. I tried to save some things but it wasn't a good outcome. Then I stopped putting perrenials in that area, but I'd love to try again this spring/summer. Only problem is my neck and back-I have serious disc issues and quite a lot of pain. It's discouraging because I LOVE to garden.
    Great choices for our trip! What is the date we're leaving, again??!

  2. Janet, Your garden is lovely! You will be a woman after all northerners hearts with that lilac! Love them all!

  3. All lovely choices Janet! I couldn't imagine a garden without some fragrance. The last photo of your garden is really gorgeous!

  4. Janet-- your lilac is a lovely choice! Fragrance is heavenly and I understand why you want to carry your choices with you.

    I left you a note on Blotanical that it was okay to use my daphne photo--I probably got the message too late for your post.


  5. Old Fashioned Lilacs? All the more reason why you should move out here. :)

  6. Wow, I go outside to enjoy some mild weather to start pruning and I have all these wonderful comments!
    Jan- You should try some lilacs are far enough north to have them do pretty well. I love lavender, just got some this fall and have it in a pot to regulate the pH of the soil. Hope your disc/ neck troubles don't slow you down too much.
    Tina- thanks! I do like lilacs.
    Racquel- thanks, I like to enjoy the scents of the plants.
    Cameron- Lilacs seem to be a favorite for many of us! Thanks for the use of the link..I can go back and edit it in.
    AoF- Thought you were moving this way! ;)

  7. Hi there Janet, my island ship is out on an evening cruise around the Islands ;-)

    Ah… the scent is in the evening air as I’m sailing past ;-) Great choices. Daphne I’d like to grow again – I lost one too a number of years ago. Rosemary would be handy for cooking too! Yes, I’d have the cone flowers for the birds and butterflies too. What fun this has been! I must dash now as I’ve a few islands left to visit before it gets dark ;-D

  8. I love having rosemary in the garden; it's great for cooking, but even better for its sporadic flowers in mid-winter and early spring! Daphne and lilacs are wonderful, too.

    I like winter honeysuckle and tea olive for their late winter flowers, too.

  9. Shirl thanks for a fun challenge, it was an interesting brain exercise.
    ILW- Welcome and thanks for the comments.

  10. Hi Janet, thanks so much for bringing lilacs! I love them so much and completely forgot about them. The daphne is an inspired choice too, ours is loaded with buds that would open if only it would warm back up. Rosemary is wonderful too, and we can use it to spice up our meals. You are the Queen!


  11. Thanks Frances. I can't wait for the community garden's Daphne to open...craving a good scent!

    LKW- I must have had a momentary trip to the Bahamas..sorry for the mix up on your initials.


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