
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hawk Update

Yesterday looking out the kitchen window we had another hawk...this one larger than the one the other day. So, after some investigations we have decided the one the other day was a Sharp-shinned and the larger one was a Coopers Hawk. That's our story and we are sticking to it! Cooper's Hawk and Sharp-shinned Hawk
Here is a great place to learn the differences...
No photos of the Cooper's Hawk, he was too fast.


  1. BIRDIES! :)
    Merry Christmas from your furriest nieces and nephews!
    The Ao4

  2. Hello Queen!
    I found your blog thru Cosmo's. I used to live down your way...graduated from CNU in 1981 (when it was CNC). Do you like it there? Maybe you were military...I haven't read your whole blog. We were in Germany, too...and came to VA after that. Husband was in the retired. I SOOO love the ocean, and wish I lived near water like you. It must be gorgeous there:)
    RE: The hawks. I have had exactly the same experiences as you! Last year, I saw 2 different hawks and even have photos (unfortunately they aren't with my new camera so they aren't very good). I had to go online and do some research, like you...and we determined that one was a sharp-shinned and one was a cooper's hawk. It was exciting!
    Well, now that I've found another VA gardener, I've added you to my followers list. Hope to see you around:)


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